
Evaluation Meeting in Crete 

     As the project came to its end, a last meeting was held in Heraklion-Crete between 24th and 25th of August.   The object of the meeting was the final evaluation of the project. Representatives from only two partner countries, Slovenia and Greece, attended the meeting, since partners from other countries could not be physically present due to strict regulations regarding entry into the country and other measures related to Covid-19 pandemics.

Despite the summer closure of the greek school, it was attended by two education professionals from the Pedenjped kindergarten and the principal of the Greek school. Together, they made posters reviewing project activities, as well as a poster presenting the dissemination of the project.

It was agreed that despite the difficulties, the outcome was positive for both, children and teachers . In addition,  a future cooperation between partners was discussed for further development of inclusion competencies. 

Mobility to Croatia 


 In August, right before the end of our Eramsus + project,  a last  LTT activity was carried out between Slovenia and Croatia in Zagreb, a mobility which had already been planned for a very long time. Through the Europe is All-Inclusive project, a sense of acceptance of diversity from both, cultural and social point of view was developed with the participants.

Two classes from Pedenjped kindergarten participated in the mobility program – a preschool class and  one consisting of children with special needs. The program was set up in a way that contents and adaptations enabled active participation of the children from vulnerable groups.

Working languages of the visit was mostly English, accompanied by some Croatian words and expressions. Children from Slovenia were introduced to greetings in Croatian, the hosts' playground in the woods and the toys that children use in their playroom. Friendly bonds were established between the children of the two countries.

 Children were thrilled  during their visit to Zagreb zoo, as they could  see animals that cannot be seen at the Ljubljana Zoo.

   The accompanying staff devoted a lot of time to building new bonds between children, among others, through social games, which were performed both indoors and outdoors.

The overall impression was that little children were connected with their new friends  and the interaction was a real delight for  everyone  to watch.


Feel the Art  -  Workshop in Lubljana

Slovenia was the hosting country of our 3rd meeting. At the end of October 2019 teachers from all partner countries shared in Ljubljana three days, full of activities, visits, workshops and new experiences. You can find more details in the following link:

2nd Meeting - Greece

Our 2nd meeting took place in Heraklion, the capital city of Crete island, in Greece, during the second week of May 2019.
Ten children from Spain and ten children from Denmark along with their teachers and teachers from Slovenia and Croatia,, 31 visitors in total , participated. The programme included many activities, workshop, meeting, visits in arcaelogical sites and other places of interest and natural beauty.

For more information follow the link below: 

Meeting in Croatia

Our first meeting - only for teachers - took place in the beginning of November in Zagreb. The host country had organized the meeting in every detail. You can find useful information about our meeting in the following link:
